Why Recycle With Us?

We are a Jackson-based business with a Jackson-based focus.


   Our immediate goal--and challenge: How can we best collect and route recyclables to manufacturers? Some companies are forced to only focus on the most profitable products and discard the ones that are not valued high enough. Our pricing model allows us to avoid that practice as well as enables us to find outlets for recyclables that are more costly to recycle, thus making a bigger impact. Unlike other companies, we will not simply take in all materials (especially plastics like type 7), and hope to find an outlet later. We only take materials we have verified outlets for.


   We value sustainable waste solutions and that involves so much more than picking up and rerouting recyclables. A huge reason we started this company was to embark towards the long-term development of a Small Scale Recycling Production Model. In other words, we want to encourage and empower local, creative entrepreneurs to use this material collected locally.
   We have been building machines over the last few years and in the next few months hope to showcase some small products that can be sold in the local markets. We have 1 glass product, 1 plastic product, and 1 paper product that that we will showcase. We hope this encourages other entrepreneurs to think about small to medium scale production of recyclable resources because the real solution in recycling does more than just ship the recyclable materials all over the world, but looks to create products close to the point of collection. We feel it is vital to work towards rethinking what recycling means on a more local scale, and will continue to work to show Jacksonians a better way forward with more sustainable waste solutions.


   Our creativity and local sensibilities lead us to explore other program options for the future besides working with recyclables. We are exploring what a program that handles food waste would look like, including finding local outlets and potential logistics. We have started setting up a network for connecting food waste with farmers/composters, because we know that food waste is one of the most valuable assets to sustainable agriculture practices.


   Another thing that sets Environmentality apart is that we are not comfortable settling with a business model that only allows people of a certain income to recycle. When it comes down to it, certain people will not be able to put environmental concerns above financial ones, and we have some plans to reach these people. There are so many ways to be part of the solution, and Environmentality knows that anyone can be a part of a more sustainable future.
   We know this because it is only with community support that we have been able to come this far, and only with community support can we grow and do more for our shared environment!

EnvironMentality, LLC       ·       601-720-8728       ·       © 2017-2018